Operation Round-Up

Cookson Hills Electric Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors:  President Margaret Johnson, Vice President Gary Winton, Secretary Philip Henson, Traci Highfill, Karen Henderson, Bob Carlile, and Dick Tonnemacher.

For over 70 years, Cookson Hills Electric Cooperative has been meeting the needs of eastern Oklahoma residents. Cookson Hills Electric's principal goal has been to provide quality service to our members. Providing service has meant not only dependable, reasonably priced electricity, but also innovative programs designed to aid our members in the safe, efficient use of electricity.

Cookson Hills Electric is also community-minded. We participate in local Chambers of Commerce, civic organizations, and other groups promoting the economic development of area communities. The youth of our area is of great importance to Cookson Hills Electric. We have free electrical safety programs that are presented to area schools. Each year we sponsor local livestock shows, Youth Tour Essay Contests, and Youth Energy Camp programs.

In keeping with this spirit of meeting the needs of the communities we serve, Cookson Hills Electric participates in Operation Round-Up. Originally formed in South Carolina by Palmetto Electric Cooperative, this community service program is being implemented by cooperatives nationwide. It was designed to gather voluntary contributions to assist with medical care, food, clothing, housing, educational assistance, and many other needed services. Cookson Hills Electric Foundation, Inc. also known as Operation Round-Up will enable you, as a Co-op member, to participate in this assistance.

The program is simple. Each month, participating members will allow CHEC to automatically round up their electric bills to the next highest dollar. For example, if the bill is actually $55.23, you will write a check for $56.00. The difference will go into a fund from which donations are made to individuals and organizations. Individually, it will not be a lot, but in total, the funds will enable the Foundation to fill many needs. The Board of Directors of the CHEC Foundation, Inc. will determine who receives these funds.

Operation Round-Up has enormous potential for helping people who desperately need the support of their communities. It can also aid rescue squads, fire departments, daycare centers, literacy programs, senior citizen centers, health clinics, and many other services.

Operation Round-Up reminds people of how very far a little generosity and cooperation can go towards improving a person's life. And you can be a part of the improvement.

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Scammers are once again targeting the Cookson Hills Electric service area. This time, they are not only attempting to swindle money over the phone but are also making personal visits. There have been reports of individuals claiming to be Cookson Hills employees, contractors, or representatives visiting homes and asking to inspect the electric meters. These individuals assert that Cookson Hills Electric is replacing all meters with digital ones to accommodate solar power and that members would be charged $15 a month for the new meter.

We want to assure you that this information is NOT accurate, and these individuals are not affiliated with Cookson Hills Electric Cooperative or Cookson Hills Connect. Here are three simple tips to help you avoid being scammed:

Never give a copy of your bill, driver's license, or personal information such as your date of birth, social security number, or account number to anyone visiting your home, calling, texting, or emailing you. Only provide this information when you visit our office or initiate a call to us.

Watch out for warning signs, such as threats to disconnect your service or requests for payments using gift cards, wire transfers, or other unusual payment methods.

If someone arrives at your home, ask them to wait outside while you call Cookson Hills Electric at 800-328-2368 to verify their identity. If they contact you by phone, hang up and contact us to discuss your account. Don’t reply to an email or text without contacting us first.
You work hard for your money, and scammers try to trick you out of it. Cookson Hills Electric is here to help you avoid these scams. Remember, call us at 800-328-2368 or visit our office, and we will be happy to assist you by addressing any questions you may have. For further information on avoiding scams, visit the Utilities United Against Scams website at https://www.utilitiesunited.org/#ConsumerGuide.