January 22, 2024


Booker T. Washington once said, “Nothing ever comes to one that is worth having, except as a result of hard work.” For three intense years, that is what we have done – worked hard. For many months, and at times seven days a week, our team invested their time and talents to complete an incredibly challenging task of building a fiber-to-the-premises network for every member of CHEC. This project provides high-speed internet and phone services to many who have gone without.

In October 2020, the Board of Trustees voted to begin this tremendous project. The engineering of the network started in January of 2021, and by October 2021, Cookson Hills Connect, our wholly owned subsidiary of CHEC, successfully connected the first fiber-to-the-home subscriber. We are excited to say that we have completed the fiber backbone construction of our entire network. By the end of January 2024, we were able to offer high-speed fiber-to-the-premises and voice services to every member of CHEC. That means almost 19,000 locations that did not have access to 1-gigabit symmetrical speed fiberoptic internet now have access to one of the most elite systems in the state, and it was accomplished in only three years, thanks to the hard work of many.

Throughout this process, we contributed to the economic development of our rural areas and communities. Many temporary construction jobs were created, which has led to permanent placement of positions for local folks through contractors. And because of this project, CHEC has hired twelve permanent skilled positions, with more to come.    

To date, we have almost 6,000 connected subscribers, with hundreds more signed up and awaiting fiber installation to their homes or businesses. And that number grows daily.

And it’s not the only work we have been doing. In 2023, we also completed right-of-way clearing for all lines on our Porum and Muldrow Substations. This project resulted in the trimming and/or clearing of 409 miles of rights-of-way. Crews are working to clear lines on the Stigler Substation in 2024. We also completed pole replacements and upgrades of 17% of our poles. The pole replacements removed many old or rotting poles and replaced them with stronger poles, helping us mitigate the loss of poles due to wind and wintery weather. As our system has endured major winds throughout the last year, we saw proof that these two projects have helped reduce outages significantly across our system. This equates to a safer system with fewer outages and improved reliability.

As we close out 2023 and embark on a new year, we take a moment to pause and reflect. Pele, a Brazilian soccer player, said, “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” Here at CHEC, this sums up our team. We will continue to work hard, persevere, prioritize safety, and become better educated to understand our evolving industry. We will continue doing what we love: serving you, our members. May you have a happy and blessed 2024!

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Scammers are once again targeting the Cookson Hills Electric service area. This time, they are not only attempting to swindle money over the phone but are also making personal visits. There have been reports of individuals claiming to be Cookson Hills employees, contractors, or representatives visiting homes and asking to inspect the electric meters. These individuals assert that Cookson Hills Electric is replacing all meters with digital ones to accommodate solar power and that members would be charged $15 a month for the new meter.

We want to assure you that this information is NOT accurate, and these individuals are not affiliated with Cookson Hills Electric Cooperative or Cookson Hills Connect. Here are three simple tips to help you avoid being scammed:

Never give a copy of your bill, driver's license, or personal information such as your date of birth, social security number, or account number to anyone visiting your home, calling, texting, or emailing you. Only provide this information when you visit our office or initiate a call to us.

Watch out for warning signs, such as threats to disconnect your service or requests for payments using gift cards, wire transfers, or other unusual payment methods.

If someone arrives at your home, ask them to wait outside while you call Cookson Hills Electric at 800-328-2368 to verify their identity. If they contact you by phone, hang up and contact us to discuss your account. Don’t reply to an email or text without contacting us first.
You work hard for your money, and scammers try to trick you out of it. Cookson Hills Electric is here to help you avoid these scams. Remember, call us at 800-328-2368 or visit our office, and we will be happy to assist you by addressing any questions you may have. For further information on avoiding scams, visit the Utilities United Against Scams website at https://www.utilitiesunited.org/#ConsumerGuide.